Aug 8, 2023 6:14:32 PM
How Do You Attach Elastic Band On Lace Front Wig
The Lace frontal wig is the most trendy wig type among human hair wigs. Lace frontal wigs' character is they are constructed with a panel of lace material running from ear to ear along the forehead. Hair is tied to the lace by hand for the realistic appearance of a natural hairline. The lace frontal wigs have excellent breathability and comfort level. At the same time, they are also affordable and thus widely welcomed by wig wearers.
You may wonder: how to wear your wig more naturally and comfortably? And how to lay your wig more securely and flat? The elastic band is a great method to make your wig fit your head properly. Most wigs come with the elastic bands that you can attach them to the wigs by yourself. The whole process is easy to operate and requires nothing more than taking a few measurements, cuttings, and a few basic stitching.
What do you need to prepare?
elastic band, scissors, needle, and threads
What steps do you need to operate?
Step No.1:
Measure the perimeter of your head using the elastic band.
(eg.: the distance between your left and right ears along the lower edge of the posterior spoon, and then extend a little bit above your both ears)
Reminder: avoid putting pressure on your ears, just lay the elastic band like how a wig would naturally be when you install it. And resist the desire to stretch the elastic band too tight and leave space between your ears and the elastic band, otherwise, you may feel uncomfortable due to the overpressure.
Step No.2:
Cut the excess off and make the elastic band achieve the measured length. And try on the wig to check again and make sure.
Step No.3:
Place the elastic band along the inside curve of the wig.
Step No.4:
Sew the dual edges of the elastic band to each side of the lace frontal wig in the same position as the ear tabs.
Done! A sloppy fit has been upgraded to a secure and comfortable fit with a flat and natural hairline. This elastic band method allows you to wear your lace front wig without using glue. If your wig is a pre-plucked lace front wig, the only work you are left to do is trimming the lace to match your hairline. Not much effort, right?
Thanks for your time reading, and if you have any questions or other excellent tips, please feel free to share them in the following comment section. West Kiss hair is one of the professional and experienced companies that has been wig business for decades to provide high-quality yet affordable human hair wigs. And we also offer pre-plucked lace front wigs.
Our new "Wear And Go Wigs" collection is on fire now! Pre-Cut Lace! Totally Glueless Wig! Super Easy To Wear And Take Off! You are very welcome to try our products as well.