Apr 11, 2021 8:32:07 PM
How To Choose The Best Hair Density Of Wigs?
Online shopping has already become a new way of shopping. With the development of e-commerce, shopping online has become increasingly popular. For many people, shopping online is a more comfortable alternative than crowded malls. Girls will find that there are a few of the options of hair densities for their choices. Some people are the first time to buy how to know what kind of hair density is appropriate? Firstly, you need to know what is hair density, then you can learn how to choose the best hair density of hair wigs. And today's article will advise you on some useful suggestions about how to choose a suitable hair density for yourself.
1. What Is Hair Density?
Hair density means the hair thickness of a hair wig. Different hair density wigs have different lines of hair bundles on the back. The more lines of hair bundles a hair wig has, the thicker a wig is.
There are main 5 levels of hair density in West Kiss Hair: 130%, 150%, 180%, 200%, 250%. 130% density is too thin to have been removed from the website. If you don’t like thick hair wigs, 150% density is your great choice. Compared to long hair wigs, 150% density is more suitable for short bob hair wigs. Most people like 180% density, because its thickness is not too thick or too thin that is just right for most girls. The hair wigs will be thicker with releasing percent.
2. How To Choose The Best Hair Density Of Wigs?
About how to choose the best hair density of hair wigs, there are some objective and subjective influencing factors. Including different hair textures, hair lengths, seasons, and personal preferences, etc.
1) Seasons
We all know that temperatures vary seasonally, different seasons will have different choices of hair densities. For example, winter is more suitable for wearing thick hair wigs because winter is colder than summer. On the contrary, summer is better to wear a thin hair wig.
2) Hair Lengths
Short hair wigs like bob wigs are better to choose thin hair density, like 180% hair density. 200% hair density or 250% hair density of a bob wig will make people look thick and heavy. On the other hand, long hair wigs can select some thicker hair density of wigs.
3) Personal Preferences
Different people have different feelings about the thickness of hair wigs, you can choose your preferred wigs that make you feel the most comfortable. The suit is the best.
4) Hair Textures
Hair wigs with curls will look fuller and thicker than straight hair wigs. So when you decide to buy a classic straight hair wig, you can consider choosing some higher hair density of wigs.
5) Find Us For Some Recommendations
If you still don't know or can't decide which hair density to choose, you can please contact us, we will advise our sincere recommendations.
3. Hair Care Tips For Different Hair Densities
Different hair densities have their own suitable care methods. If you bought a low-density hair wig, you need to pay more attention to shedding problems. You need to learn how to avoid shedding and how to make your wig look fuller.
For a high-density hair wig, it may easier to get tangled than a low-density hair wig. You can do some regular care, like do essential oils massage to make the hair beautifully silky.
No matter what kind of hair density wigs all need to do regular care. Good hair care would make your hair wig soft, moisturized, and shiny, sometimes also can extend its using life.
4. Where To Buy A Perfect Hair Wig?
You need to find a hair company that is experienced in the wig market. West Kiss Hair can be your choice. We have ten years' useful experience in hair productions. There are various hair products in our online store, including cheap lace front wigs, closure wigs, full lace wigs, headband wigs, human hair bundles, etc.